Monday, July 15, 2019

HTTP vs. HTTPS: Why It Matters?

HTTP and HTTPS are protocols that are being used to transmit data across the internet between websites. HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, while the addition of the ‘S’ in HTTPS means it is a secure connection. As a website owner, you probably ask: “Is HTTPS necessary?” In order to have a better understanding of these two protocols and why they are important to Google, it is important to first learn the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. Below explains the basics of these two options:

What is HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)?

HTTP is a system for conveying and accepting the information through the internet. This protocol is being labeled as an “application layer tool” that alternatively, means that it only cares about how the information is represented to the user, not how it is delivered from point A to point B.
Furthermore, the HTTP protocol is considered “stateless”. This means that it does not aim to recall any information preceding a web session.

What is HTTPS (Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol)?

HTTPS is also known as “secure HTTP”. It was developed to allow authorization and to have strong online security. Not using HTTPSmeans unsecured online transactions for the users. Sharing confidential information online must be secured to prevent unauthorized access, and that is what HTTPS exactly do. Technically, HTTP and HTTPS work almost the same, they both establish a connection to a server on a standard port. However, the difference is, HTTPS offers an extra layer of security because it uses SSL in order to move data.
HTTPS works in partnership with another protocol, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), in order to transport data safely.

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